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Vertical Guidance Symbols

Pseudo Waypoint Definition Conditions / Additional Info
Indicates top of climb The FCU selected altitude (cyan)
A constraint altitude (if all appropriate modes are engaged) (magenta)
Will not appear if the aircraft is 100 ft above or below selected altitude
Indicates level-off The FCU selected altitude (cyan)
A constraint altitude (if all appropriate modes are engaged) (magenta)
Will not appear if the aircraft is 100 ft above or below selected altitude
Indicates top of descent or continue descent. Arrow is White if DES is not armed
Arrow is Blue if DES is armed
Indicates start of climb Arrow is White if CLB is not armed
Arrow is BLUE if CLB is armed
Indicates intercept point Symbol is White if NAV mode is engaged
Symbol is Blue, if DES mode is engaged
Predictions assume half speedbrake if above the profile
If vertical deviation is detected while in DES / NAV mode, continuously indicates predicted point where aircraft will intercept the descent path
If not in NAV, predictions assume immediate return to NAV path with 45° intercept
Indicates a speed change Point on the flight plan where the aircraft will automatically accelerate or decelerate to a new computed speed
Indicates decelerate point Predicted point on the flight plan where aircraft is predicted to decelerate for approach (and change to approach phase).
Symbol is White if in selected speed or HDG/TRK mode
Symbol is Magenta if managed speed and NAV / Approach mode are engaged
Set around a waypoint and indicates a constrained waypoint Symbol is Magenta indicates predicted ALT CSTR will be satisfied
Symbol is Amber indicates predicted ALT CSTR will be missed
Symbol is White indicates ALT CSTR is not applicable and NAV mode is engaged
Indicates TIME MARKER or EQUI-TIME POINT (ETP) Symbol appears in Green indicating on the flight plan where the aircraft will reach the time marker or ETP
Indicates the ENERGY CIRCLE symbol Symbol is oriented to the current track line and centered on the aircraft position
(Energy Circle not yet implemented in the A32NX) Indicates Required Distance to Land
Displayed during descent and approach phase when selected HDG or TRK mode is engaged

Also see our Example Managed Flight with several screenshots of the ND symbols during flight.

Last update: September 17, 2023